Selling Your Smartphone the Smart Way

Your personal information starts accumulating on your phone the second you activate it. Whether it's as simple as your full name, phone number and address; this is information that any identity thief would love to have. In order to protect yourself when you're considering a cash for cell phone offer, you need to clear all this data completely off the phone.


Simply deleting your pictures is not enough, since your files and downloads are still there and can be opened up just as easily. Do not trust the company offering you cash to do the job, since you don't know exactly who will be handling the phone from start to finish. More about this are accessible in the site at Once you have decided which photos and files you want to keep, and transferred them, then you need to delete each personal folder individually. After everything has been deleted, then go ahead and do a factory reset on the device. Make sure once the reset is done that it's asking you to register an account to move forward. This will tell you that the phone has been completely erased and it's ready for a brand new user.


The providers that let you Sell cellphone to them online or in person are supposed to do a factory reset for each device they receive, but you should do it yourself as well. If something minute does get missed by accident, their confirmation of factory reset will catch it and nothing of your personal data will remain on the phone. Believe it or not, you can get a lot of information from a single photograph, and this information in the wrong hands, can do a lot of damage.


There is nothing wrong will selling your phone, and it's a much better choice than just waiting for the battery to corrode in your junk drawer. However, you need to be aware of the personal things you have either intentionally or unintentionally accumulated on the device and start taking care of that before you give the phone to anyone. More about this are disclosed when you visit this technollo youtube page. If you're not sure how to do this, then you can either ask an educated friend or family member to help you, or you can take the phone to the local service provider and have them do it for you. Normally, it's a very quick process that doesn't require a lot of effort. It's just a necessary step you have to take in order to make a deal like this profitable and safe.